This Seventh Edition is organized in fourteen chapters that contain the most important topics for business students. The fundamental principle guiding this book is that ISs are everywhere in business. Information systems are pervasive because information is the single most powerful resource in every business function in every industry. Knowledge of IT is not always explicitly stated as a job requirement. However, a solid understanding has become an essential element of success in virtually any position. Not everyone in business needs to have all the technical skills of an IT professional, but everyone needs a working knowledge and exposure of the subject to know how to use IT in his or her profession. These skills are imperative in the increasingly digital and networked business world.
This Seventh Edition is organized in fourteen chapters that contain the most important topics for business students. The fundamental principle guiding this book is that ISs are everywhere in business. Information systems are pervasive because information is the single most powerful resource in every business function in every industry. Knowledge of IT is not always explicitly stated as a job requirement. However, a solid understanding has become an essential element of success in virtually any position. Not everyone in business needs to have all the technical skills of an IT professional, but everyone needs a working knowledge and exposure of the subject to know how to use IT in his or her profession. These skills are imperative in the increasingly digital and networked business world.
This updated edition includes an:
- Emphasis on the real world,
- Attention to new business practices and trends,
- Illustration of the importance of each subject to one’s career, and
- Emphasis on critical thinking.
In addition, Management Information Systems integrates one “running” business case throughout all chapters to illustrate information systems principles in action.
Each chapter begins with a case introducing a business challenge for students to apply technology concepts and develop critical thinking skills.
Also, all end-of-chapter cases have been updated with new material and “real world” examples along with discussion questions, many are completely new cases based on recent business examples.