Or did they lock it? Remember when people said that videocassettes and DVDs would destroy movie theaters, well the U.S. Government “un-did” what they enacted over seven decades ago. What do technology and the Justice Department have in common? Probably the perfect storm (and maybe … [Read more...] about Justice Department Opened Streaming Pandora’s Box
A New Disruption Has Been Brewed — Unplanned in Nature
We have all heard the catch phrases ... the new norm, things may never return to the normal, business offices are doomed, "Zooming", WFH (know what that is?), religious services on YouTube, etc. We are dealing with disruption of our daily lives due to the pandemic. However, did you observe … [Read more...] about A New Disruption Has Been Brewed — Unplanned in Nature
Is Amazon Creating a Whole Retailer? Part II
So you read the previous article of Amazon's acquisition of Whole Foods. More to quench your business and technology appetite (don't worry, no calories). Amazon's one Achilles Heel (yes, they have one). Delivering fresh and perishable food is a much different operational activity commodity than … [Read more...] about Is Amazon Creating a Whole Retailer? Part II
Is Amazon Creating a Whole Retailer?
OK, I guess that I had a premeditation moment in early May. Posting a blog article suggesting that Amazon should purchase one of the cable shopping channels and add it to its retail portfolio. I was "close" :-). Think about this ... probably for the first time in its history ... the retail … [Read more...] about Is Amazon Creating a Whole Retailer?
Should Amazon Plug Into Cable?
This idea has been rolling around in my head for about two months (yes a scary thing!). And, finally transferred it to paper (or in this case, a blog). Clearly, Amazon has transformed retailing by inventing the pure play concept of online retailing. The Amazon Effect is clear ... … [Read more...] about Should Amazon Plug Into Cable?
Is Amazon’s Strategy “Go”-ing Anywhere?
Amazon has been the focus of several of my blogs and quotes. Why? Amazon is a business organization that is a leader to leverage technology so tightly into their business strategy. Maybe more than any other business in the US history. So many successes, new business models and achievements. In … [Read more...] about Is Amazon’s Strategy “Go”-ing Anywhere?
Is Amazon Dashing to the IoT?
Does this happen to you? For your household and personal items ... dishwasher soap, ketchup, contact lens solution, toothpaste ... when you need an item (because you are empty), you look in the closet and the item is not there. And of course, it's either 6am or 10pm at night. Bad timing. The … [Read more...] about Is Amazon Dashing to the IoT?
Amazon: Started with Books, Finish with None
For years, I would always refer to Walmart as the king of retailing. For those in Rhode Island that remember Ann & Hope, there are a few stories about how Sam Walton pioneered his retail empire after Ann & Hope, a Rhode Island-based retailer. If you are from the RI and older the 40, you … [Read more...] about Amazon: Started with Books, Finish with None